Ordinary Goodness in Gathering Together, AND…..

We find ourselves in ordinary time, a time in which we learn to pay attention to the good news in the particulars of that which is routine and regular. Within the ordinary, God’s goodness abounds. Together, we act on, nurture, and discover the good news of what God continues to do among us, as we participate in the unfolding kingdom of God here and now. We take time to celebrate the goodness of God, the goodness in one another, and the good news. During this season, we are stretched to grow in our imagination of what could be. We consider what it looks like to grow in the ordinariness of gathering together, not only among ourselves, but with our neighbors in ordinary spaces. Consider using this guide as you gather together.


*Readings each week come from the revised common lectionary.

June 16: Ordinary Goodness

June 23: Presence as Goodness

June 30: Discover

July 7: Brunch Sunday in the Park  

July 14: Goodness of Love

July 21: Act

July 28: Good & Gracious God

August 4: Nurture

August 11: Goodness Promised

August 18: Boundaryless Good News

August 25: A Community in Conversation


Act: Name where the Spirit is moving in our lives and calling us to embodied participation in God’s redeeming activity in the world. Together, reflect on these experiences and identify how you might be held accountable to re-integrate that reflection back into practice, as we continue to discover the good news and be nurtured in it.

Nurture: Wonder together. Hold space to tell, and listen to, stories. Ask questions with compassionate curiosity. In what ways does the good news need to talk hold in our lives? And how God is moving us to embody the good news in the world?

Discover: As we foster a haven of belonging, name the good news at work in one another’s life. Exploring this week’s scripture reading(s), name the ways in which you see God re-narrating the world, or sharing your experience of the love of God enfolding you in divine union. Together, discover the kingdom of God breaking forth here and now.


Ordinary Gathering Guide

*The following is a suggested list of books and music and per usual, there’s a wide variety of thought and content (some will be challenging, some you may not agree with) that is meant to spur conversation and continued growth.

Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott

The Very Good Gospel by Lisa Sharon Harper

Luminous by T. David Beck

Present Perfect by Gregory Boyd

Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

God Can’t by Thomas J. Oord

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

A Guidebook to Prayer by MaryKate Morse

Disunity in Christ by Christina Cleveland

Roadmap to Reconciliation by Brenda Salter McNeil

Strength to Love by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Brother, album by The Brilliance

KOSMOS, album by William Matthews