March 9

First Sunday of Lent


Leader: Reading of Psalm 32. This is the word of the Lord.

ALL: Thanks be to God.

Trinity is fostering a haven of belonging where wanderers and wonderers 

gather to discover and embody the love of Jesus in the world.


All Creatures of Our God and King

All creatures of our God and King

Lift up your voice and with us sing

Oh, praise Him, Alleluia

Thou burning sun with golden beam

Thou silver moon with softer gleam

Oh, praise him

Oh, praise him

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia


Thou rushing wind that art so strong

Ye clouds that sail in heaven along

Oh, praise him, Alleluia

Thou rising moon in praise rejoice

Ye lights of evening find a voice

Oh, praise him

Oh, praise him

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia


Let all things their Creator bless

And worship Him in humbleness

Oh, praise him, Alleluia

Praise, praise the Father praise the Son

And praise the Spirit Three in One

Oh, praise him

Oh, praise him

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

Beneath the Cross of Jesus

Beneath the cross of Jesus

I fain would take my stand,

The shadow of a mighty Rock

Within a weary land;

A home within the wilderness,

A rest upon the way,

From the burning of the noontide heat,

And the burden of the day.


Oh, safe and happy shelter!

Oh, refuge tried and sweet!

Oh, trysting place where heaven’s love

And heaven’s justice meet.

As to the holy patriarch

That wondrous dream was given,

So is my Savior by the cross

A ladder up to heaven.


Upon that cross of Jesus

My eye at times can see

The very dying form of One,

Who suffered there for me;

And from my smitten heart, with tears,

Two wonders I confess,

The wonders of His glorious love,

And my own worthlessness.


I take, O cross, thy shadow

For my abiding place;

I ask no other sunshine than

The sunshine of His face;

Content to let the world go by,

To know no gain nor loss,

My sinful self my only shame,

My glory all the cross.


Leader: (Reading of Luke 4.1-13) Knowing that Jesus felt the weight of temptation and suffering, 

let us confess our faults to God and one another.

ALL: The distractions around us cry out so loudly, we are not able to hear you calling to us.  

The longing we have to impress you obscures our experience of your mercy already wrapping us in its embrace. 

Open our hearts so we may listen to you as we follow Jesus Christ, your Beloved, into our world.

Leader: Friends, in God’s love we will always find forgiveness. 

Snuff out Lenten candle


Adults: The Lord be with you!

Children and Kids Ministry Leader: And also with you! 

During this time we greet one another, recognizing that we are all a part of the body, as PreK-5th grade children are led to their ministry space. Younger children and youth remain, and are welcome, in the Gathering. Materials for toddlers are available and we understand that their presence means they will be heard, no need to worry about their vocal contributions.


Descending the Mountain from Base Camp: When Things Fall Apart

Mark 13.1-8

  • What does it take to heal? What tools are being picked up and packed for the journey in this text?

  • Take a moment to locate what base camp you/we’re at now. What “base camp” experience do I/we need to engage in mutuality, wholeness and improvisation on the good road?

  • What do I believe/how do I feel about the possibility of healing in my own life?

  • What might we envision continued healing or restoration will look like as we embody our identity as followers of Jesus?

  • Storytelling: What stories of our particular faith community identity resonate with you when you read this text? Take a moment to share.

*The Four Mountains Reading

* Description Card

*Through small and large group conversations, we’ll be voicing what resonates with us and reflect that back to the group(s).

*For additional discussion prompts visit the series page here.


Leader: Merciful Creator, we have so many questions, so many concerns. 

We see division in our own hearts, in relationships, in the community, and around the world. 

ALL: We are burdened by the division that comes 

when the road to violence, oppression, and power is chosen over your good road. 

Leader: As we hear news, witness long-standing allyships strategically and ignorantly eroded, 

and see images of war and conflict both near and far, our hearts break, as yours does. 

We humbly offer prayers for those caught in violence, for those who have lost loved ones,

ALL: we pray for your comfort and peace.

Leader: For all those whose lives are being swept away with wildfires,

ALL: we pray for mercy.

Leader: For our siblings who have been targeted 

through the removal of Temporary Protective Status in the US,

ALL: we pray for new and safe paths to be forged.

Leader: For the defenseless, the sick, the tired, 

ALL: we pray for your stamina and your justice. 

Leader: For those who will suffer the most with the dangerous dismantling

 of USAID and other governmental agencies and programs,

ALL: we pray that grief and injustice will be felt collectively and 

that provisions will be made through the creative bonds of community. 

Leader: For the confused and the disoriented, 

ALL: we pray for your wisdom and guidance.

Leader: Creator Sets Free, guide our thoughts and actions, giving us courage,

ALL: to respond to the needs of our siblings in the days of agony. 

Leader: And when we are tempted to stray from your good road, renew and inspire us, 

ALL: for we know your message brings division, but also deep transformation.

Leader: Spirit of God, when paths of transformation lead us into times of varied terrain 

-periods of repacking and becoming, realities winding and unruly - 

may your presence be our steady companion.

ALL: If we feel afraid of the unfamiliar or unknown – 

a stranger to where you are leading, 

remind us we do not go alone.

Leader: All who seek your Wisdom are wandering.

ALL: When we forget, remind us this is part of Love’s work.

Leader: Help us to be patient with our journey, letting Love set the pace.

ALL: If we feel ashamed, confronted by regrets, embarrassed 

by ignorance, or trapped by snares of guilt…

Leader: may your grace be near, and let courage steady our way.

ALL: To you, we will turn for nourishment along the way. 

Remembering the simple pleasures of being alive.

Of being together.

Of being among the creations of your hand.

There is no stretch of the earth where delight cannot be found.

Leader: All with the desire to further the common good, 

lead us more deeply into the heart of Love.

ALL: In the company of your promises, faith shall be our guide, 

starting here at the table.

Leader: As we come to the table and begin once more our Lenten journey, 

we seek to follow faithfully, remembering the life, the death, the resurrection of Jesus. 

We tell the story that God invites each of us into: Christ died to set us free from sin, 

was raised to break the power of death and 

will come again to bring us the wholeness for which we long. 

The Table of the Lord is open for all 

who would seek and accept the forgiveness Christ offers us.

*communion elements are gluten free, not allergen free

RESPONSE & OFFERING OF WORSHIP                                                                                        

The Offering Basket 

Prayer requests may be posted in the Zoom chat (Zoom participants) or written and placed in the offering basket.

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now I'm found

Was blind, but now I see


'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed


Through many dangers, toils, and snares

We have already come

'Twas grace that brought us safe thus far

And grace will lead us home


The Lord has promised good to me,

His word my hope secures;

He will my shield and portion be,

As long as life endures

Lent resources, along with Trinity’s Guide to Lent, can be found at the bottom of the sermon series page

Holy Week. We will make our way through Lent and Holy Week together by gathering virtually on weekday mornings to center ourselves around the season of Lent (March 5 -April 18th) and the week and days leading to Christ's crucifixion . Each morning we will be participating in morning prayers, reflecting on art around this season, and listening to music that Trinity Church is sharing throughout this season. Join us weekday mornings at 7am on Zoom  or catch up throughout the day on FB or YouTube. Questions? email

On April 18th, join us for our Good Friday service at COhatch Broad Ripple at 6:30 p.m.  Good Friday marks the betrayal of Jesus and his death at the hands of the state.  In this time we will walk with Jesus in his last days on the way to the cross. Join us at CoHatch the "Big Room" as we continue to make our way through Holy Week.  If you aren't able to join us in person, you may also join via Zoom. Contact with any questions.

Elder Process. The Elder Process and Qualifications have been posted online under “Eldership”. Please see your emails for more details. If you need access to the information, please contact us at Thank you for prayerfully engaging as we take next steps with nominees. 

Where the Money Went Q4 2024 and Year End Financials are now posted online here and under “Church Documents”. Please check your email for more details. If you need access to either of these, please let us know ( Any questions about numbers may be directed to Steve Edinger at and questions about the investments may be directed to Jay Howard at 

Sermon Series and Seasonal Small Groups! The sermon series and resources for our new year series are posted online at In conjunction with the sermon series, Trinity Seasonal Small Groups in the winter of 2024 will form around What It Takes to Heal by Prentis Hemphill. If you need assistance in acquiring a copy, please contact your group’s host. Please contact the group host for more details and to generally RSVP. You are welcome to join the group that fits your schedule/needs. You are not bound by geographical location/parish. 

Mondays 12-1 pm - Fishers/Zoom starting February 10

Tuesdays 5:15-6:30 pm - Near Eastside/Kid Friendly starting February 11

Wednesdays 7:00 pm - Midtown/Downtown starting February 5

Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm - Queer Affinity starting February 20

Fridays 6:30-8 pm - Broad Ripple starting February 7

Engagement Survey. At Trinity, we believe faith is lived out in our relationships and service with one another. We want to hear how you are connected in your community through work, volunteering, and local initiatives.  Please take a few minutes to complete the 2025 Engagement Survey to help us better understand and celebrate the ways we serve together. Your input will help shape Trinity’s outreach and ministries in the year ahead. Please take the survey by Monday March 16th
Take the survey here: [Take the Survey]

Equity Funds. Rolling submissions for 2025 Equity Funds will be accepted in phases: through May 4th and then again through November 2nd. This form is to be used to submit proposals and taken to Community Conversations scheduled for May 18th (MOVED) and November 9th. After those conversations, more solidified proposals (discerned through the larger group conversation) will then be taken to the Leadership Team for final disbursement requests. We ask that you use this form to prepare for presenting at a Community Conversation or if you are unable to attend those Equity Funds conversations the proposal will be taken to the group in your absence. Please refer to your emails for additional information. If you didn’t receive an email and would like to be on the list, please send an email to 

Baptism and Family Covenants. We plan to hold baptisms on Sunday, June 1st  as a part of the Gathering. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Melissa Millis at If you’re interested in a Family Covenant in the near future, please contact Britney Yount at


Leader: Go in freedom, with tearstained cheeks and stability of heart. 

ALL: We will feel deeply and honestly 

without being consumed.

Leader: And may God hold fast to you 

if the tide of despair strengthens its pull, 

that you could grieve

ALL: With the gravity we deserve. Amen.

Leader: Go in peace!

(Some liturgies adapted from, - Rev. M Barclay, and Black Liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley) 

Remain in the Gathering space for general connection and prayer.


Guide and Service Dog Training. As we welcome Guide/Service Dogs at Gatherings, please familiarize yourself with resources under on these two websites and  and discuss main points with those in your household. If you or anyone in your household has severe allergies or any fear of dogs, etc. please contact us ( so we can do our best to keep Gathering spaces welcoming for all. 

Health Guidelines. Gatherings can look differently according to the needs of our leaders and community if health concerns take effect. We ask that everyone remain flexible if and/or when this is the case. If a Gathering is going to be virtual, we will send an email by 8am on Sunday, or earlier. If you are experiencing fever, coughs, or other clear signs of illness, please remain home and join the Gathering via Zoom. If your symptoms are not highly contagious or you are unsure about exposing others, please wear a mask. Specifically, if you have been exposed to or have symptoms of Covid-19 or the Flu, you can follow the guidelines from the CDC to determine what are your best precautions to take.

Land Acknowledgement. We acknowledge that the land on which we gather for worship was stolen from Native peoples, who were driven out of the area and of their native lands by genocide, force (through broken treaties and laws imposed upon their nation), and systematic disposession.  The Myaamiaki, Kaskaskia, and Kickapoo peoples* and their sovereign Nations have cared for, and are deeply a part of, this land - past, present, and future. (ref: Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery, Trinity Church)

Gathering Hosting Schedule. As an act of service and care, please join staff, leaders, and others from your parish in hosting Sunday Gatherings. These are great times to connect and welcome others to converse while serving as well. Arrival at 9:45am is great, 9:30am is super helpful for assisting with audio equipment and/or indoor set up. Cleaning up on the back end should only take 10-15 minutes. The hosting checklist is in the Trinity office. Thank you!


2nd:Broad Ripple


16th: Midtown/Downtown

23rd: Fishers

30th:Broad Ripple


6th: North/Carmel

13th: Fishers

20th/Easter: Broad Ripple

27th: North/Carmel