Mission Statement:
Trinity is fostering a haven of belonging where wanderers and wonderers gather to discover and embody the love of Jesus in the world.
Trinity believes the values and beliefs we hold are best lived out in practice as we embody our mission and move toward our vision. Here’s what we mean when we say we are practicing hospitality, listening, learning, belonging, resting, receiving, serving, and participating:
Jesus is at the center of our faith journey. In his birth, life, death and resurrection, we find the most concrete expression of God's redemptive action throughout history. Because of this, we aspire to embody the love and life of Jesus in everything we do.
As an act of love, we practice HOSPITALITY, inviting those who are hurting, wandering, and wondering to discover the love of Jesus.
Scripture has always had an authoritative and formative role in the life of God’s people. This is true at Trinity as we discover the unfolding story of God. We practice LISTENING to hear the Spirit and the voices of one another, LEARNING what it means to be grounded in, and following Jesus Christ together.
“Church isn’t about being perfect or even all believing the same thing. It’s about a group of people who are attentive to the Spirit of God at work in us and in the world around us. ”
We seek to join together to love one another the way Jesus did. We practice BELONGING to a family where it is safe to worship, question, be stretched, grow, and find healing without fear of judgment or condemnation, so our communities and world flourish the way God intends. Regardless of age, race, ability, gender, or sexual orientation, all people are invited to experience the essential dignity and intrinsic value as those made in God’s image. All are invited to worship and participate in all levels of ministry, including staff and leadership positions, according to their gifting.
We practice RESTING in being who God has created us to be, finding rhythms that allow us to delight in the ordinary. We open ourselves to practice RECEIVING from God and one another, knowing our human limitations are beautiful and are an important part of recognizing our place in the body of Christ.
The Spirit of God has inspired a story of hope and redemption—declaring what God has already done, is now doing, and God’s promise for the reconciliation of all creation. In that story, we learn who we are and what we are called to do as followers of Jesus. We hold space for varying expressions of faith, including a diversity of practice and thought, for all people in our church family. We embody the love of Jesus in the world by SERVING in ways that align with our gifts and passions, PARTICIPATING in God’s re-narration of the world, and living the Kin(g)dom into existence through faithful presence in everyday spaces, with simplicity, authenticity, and creativity.
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