Advent begins and sets the pattern for the Church year. Yet, the rhythm of the people of God is disrupted during Advent. A new way of being is coming, a new rhythm for life will be established. As we wait during this season of anticipating the birth of Jesus, we consider the ways in which the incarnation impacts the rhythm of our lives, setting the pattern for the year ahead.
During Advent, we’ll be exploring revised common lectionary passages. The lectionary is a selection of scripture readings which the global Church uses for worship, study, and retelling of the story of God.
December 1/First Sunday of Advent (Hope) + Thanksgiving Weekend Brunch: Introduction to Disrupting Rhythms - Luke 21:25-36
December 8/Second Sunday of Advent (Faith/Peace): Disrupting the Rhythm of (Religious) Law - Luke 3:1-6
December 15/Third Sunday of Advent (Joy): Disrupting the Rhythm of Being - Luke 3:7-18
December 22nd/Fourth Sunday of Advent (Love): Disrupting the Rhythm of Life - Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)
December 24/Christmas Eve (Christ): Disrupting the Rhythm of EVERYTHING - Luke 2:1-14, (15-20)
December 29: No Gathering. Enjoy gathering with friends and family.
January 5th: New Year Hybrid (with series intro) Brunch Gathering
-Reread the text for the week. What rhythms do you notice being disrupted?
-As Advent sets the pattern for the year ahead - as the Church - what do you sense the Spirit inviting you to hold onto as you reflect on this text?
-What has your experience of God been like in this season of waiting? What do you desire in Jesus’ celebrated arrival?
-Consider the Advent theme for this week. How are you experiencing hope, faith/peace, joy, love, or Christ this week?
-The Holy in the Night by Shannon Dycus
Trinity's Advent Guide
This guide was created for individuals, couples, families with children, or Trinity Groups. It includes Advent readings and other ideas like the Jesse Tree, Advent calendars, and throwing a birthday party for Jesus.
Morning Prayer
During Advent
Over the years we have made our way through the Advent season together by gathering virtually on weekdays to center ourselves around the anticipation of the incarnation of the Christ as well as support one another during this joyous, contemplative, and sometimes difficult time.
Each morning we will be participating in the morning prayers reflecting on poems and writings of familiar and new authors, and listening to music that Trinity Church is sharing throughout this season. Join us weekday mornings at 7am on Zoom or catch up throughout the day on FB or YouTube. Questions? email
Add to your calendar: click here.
Advent: A devotional from Reclaiming My Theology
The Poetry of Advent with Mary Oliver: By Salt
Advent and Hygge: The Art of Coziness (By Salt)
Gift Giving Guide
As we consider Jesus’ gift and what he calls us to do and be in the world, we’d like to give you an opportunity to give actual life-giving gifts to folks who are showing the love of Jesus to those in need here in Indy and around the world. In the pages that follow you’ll find out more about some of Trinity’s ministry partners. Please consider how you might give to them as they show the Good News of Jesus’ gift in very tangible ways. Click here.
Curated Playlists for Advent
Image credit: Susan Wilkinson