Still in ordinary time, we enter a period of finding our place in the story of God. In this series, we survey the Old and New Testaments, finding where God invites us into rhythms that give way to belonging, support, celebration, and eventual harmony - individually and collectively. These rhythms, including, but not limited to sabbath, are established to free us to be the people of God, to rest and receive care, to make room/margin for experiencing what God has for us in the ordinary of our lives - through life and death, the light and the dark, despair and celebration, grounded and wayward journeys. Together we find where God is inviting us to find new rhythms, allow for current rhythms to be disrupted, or integrate rhythms. We are led to sing, dance, and find deeper joy in the midst of all that life holds.
Week by Week:
Sept. 8: Genesis 1 - Intro + Rhythms of Time: Evening/Morning + Sabbath
September 15 : Genesis 2.7 + Exodus 15.20 - Rhythm of Being: Breathing + Dancing
September 22: Exodus 20: Rhythms of Law - Part 1
September 29: Lev. 19.9/23.22 + Ruth 2 - Rhythms of Law: Part 2
October 6: Psalm 92:2 + Psalm 74:16 - Rhythms of Time: Evening/Morning set to Song
October 13: Micah 1.8 + Psalm 55.17 - Rhythms of Being: Mourning
October 20: Job 12:10 + Job 27:3 - Rhythms of Being: Breathing
October 27: Isaiah 58.13-14 - Rhythms of Time: Sabbath
November 3: Jeremiah 31.13, Joel 2.12 - Rhythms of Being: Mourning
November 10 : Matthew 12 - Rhythms of Life: Sabbath + Law
November 17: Luke 15.25-32 - Rhythms of Being: Dancing
November 24: Revelation 21.4 + Corinthians 3 - Rhythms of Being in Time: Mourning + Sabbath
Discussion Prompts:
What does the rhythm in today’s text look like for you/us today?
Where do you need to experience new rhythms or have old rhythms disrupted?
What do you desire to be restored or made whole as you/we anticipate a time when cycles will come to an end and the life of beauty and harmony is actualized? [maybe not attend to every week, but if folks do, then see how this changes as we come to the end of the series]
(these discussion prompts are part of our conversations in Gatherings, but you are encouraged to drill down deeper in smaller group conversations beyond Gatherings)
Parent Cue:
Treasuring God in our Traditions by Noël Piper
Disability Visibility by Alice Wong (also a version for Young Adults and a study guide is available)
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Breaking Old Rhythms by Amena Brown
Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram by Adele and Doug Calhoun and Clare and Scott Loughrige
Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haely Barton (videos and guides available for small group and/or individual use)
Indy Trinity Music on Spotify (also a great way for children to learn songs in order to more fully participate in Gatherings)
Disability Visibility by Alice Wong
Breaking Old Rhythms by Amena Brown
Seasonal Small Groups:
*Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram by Adele and Doug Calhoun and Clare and Scott Loughrige
(photo credit: Susan Wilkinson)