
We think church is a community trying to bring about God’s purposes in the world – beauty, peace, justice, love and healing through Jesus. We offer our gifts and resources of all kinds, both within our church family and among our neighbors - near and far.

If you’d like to offer any gift as an act of worship, please contact us.

We’re also convinced that church is more than an institution focused on its own growth and well-being. That means our money should go toward those things as well. Because of this, we try to give as much of the money we receive to our Mission Partners as possible. 

We also know money can easily be mishandled, so we have a group of unpaid leaders decide how to distribute money to our partners. Then, for the sake of transparency, we update our entire community every quarter on where the money went. 

Recurring and online Giving

We often are asked about the availability of recurring and online giving. While online giving is available, many in our community choose to set up recurring giving through their bank’s free automatic bill pay option. Setting up a recurring gift with your bank involves:

  • Logging onto your bank’s online banking system.

  • Adding Trinity as a Payee, usually by clicking on the Bill Pay or Payments tab. Add Trinity’s name and address in the corresponding fields (Trinity Church, 6151 Central Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46220). Most banks will ask for an optional account number, which is not necessary as long as Trinity’s address is provided.

  • Select your bank’s Repeating or Automatic Payments option. Choose Trinity as the payee. Select an amount, giving date and frequency. Once this information is confirmed, your tithe and offering will be mailed to us on a regular basis.

  • Most banks will also set up automatic bill pay over the phone.

Online giving may be done by clicking the "donate" button above. Please note that there are fees associated with online giving. About 3% of your contribution will go toward covering those fees. For this reason, if you intend to make recurring gifts, we encourage you to do so through your bank (as described above).