Base Camp (Jesus is My Sherpa*)
The disruption of the rhythms during Advent that set new patterns for the year ahead give way for continued healing, coming together at “base camp”. In this new year, we look at the life and actions of Jesus - the great elder - as told in the gospel of Mark. We engage with the invitation to healing and restoration through the tools we pick up, pack, and carry along the way as followers of Jesus, as stories come alive along the good road. Exploring mutuality, becoming whole, and improvisation that are inherent to the journey itself, we prepare for Lent.
*Play on bad VBS titles.: This year we embark on a journey. We have spent considerable time in the last several years working through our own healing journeys that have included stepping into lament and celebration and this year the Spirit seems to be taking us on a trip together again. We imagine ourselves preparing for a long hike, think Pacific Crest or Appalachian Trail. Hikes that a number of people have written and told stories about, often highlighting the ways the journey allowed them to reclaim themselves in some ways and discover themselves in other ways. Y’all know we love a good title for our sermon series and we decided to lean into the idea of reclaiming a part of our stories that seemed lost when we had to throw out theology that caused us harm. We’re going back to Vacation Bible School this year! We hope that the series titles offer opportunities for us all to joyfully “repack our bags”.
Quick Links:
Week by week:
Base Camp Among the Mountains
January 5: Brunch and Series Intro - Charting the Course of Healing - Call and Kin (Mark 1: 16-20 and 3:31-35)
January 12: Tools for the Mountain (Mark 2:1-12)
January 19: All the Tools - Mutuality and Affirmation (Mark 4:21-25 and 4:30-32)
January 26: Shaking Off (Mark 6. 1-13)
February 2: Some Only Get So Far (Mark 6:14-29)
February 9: Diverging Paths (Mark 7:1-23)
February 16: Repacking (Mark 10:17-31)
February 23: Powerful Questions + Navigating Traps (Mark 11:27-33 and 12:13-17)
March 2: Basic Packing (Mark 12:28-34 and 41-44)
Ash Wednesday, March 5 - Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Descending the Mountain from Base Camp (LENT)
March 9: When Things Fall Apart (Mark 13:1-8)
March 16: Present Moment (Mark 13:32-37)
March 23: The Gift of Rituals (Mark 14:22-25, 32-41)
March 30: Anointing (Mark 14:3-9)
April 6: Improvisation (Mark 15:1-20)
April 13 (Palm Sunday): Coming into Town (Mark 11:1-11)
Good Friday April 18 - Mark 15:21-32
April 20 (Easter Sunday): Who?! (Mark 16:1-8)
Discussion Prompts:
What does it take to heal? What tools are being picked up and packed for the journey in this text?
Take a moment to locate what base camp you/we’re at now. What “base camp” experience do I/we need to engage in mutuality, wholeness and improvisation on the good road?
What do I believe/how do I feel about the possibility of healing in my own life?
What might we envision continued healing or restoration will look like as we embody our identity as followers of Jesus?
Storytelling: What stories of our particular faith community identity resonate with you when you read this text? Take a moment to share.
(these discussion prompts are part of our conversations in Gatherings, but you are encouraged to drill down deeper in smaller group conversations beyond Gatherings)
Parent CuE & ALL AGES:
The Sense of Wonder (film directed by Éric Besnard, in French)
What Do You Do with a Problem and What Do You Do With a Chance by Kobi Yamata
If (film)
Books & FILMS:
What it Takes to Heal by Prentis Hemphill (seasonal small group material)
Hospicing Modernity by Vanessa Machado de Oliveria + The Four Mountains
Wild by Cheryl Strayed (also a film)
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (also a film)
The Way (film)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (film)
Indy Trinity Music on Spotify (also a great way for children to learn songs in order to more fully participate in Gatherings)
Becoming the People with Prentis Hemphill
Reclaiming my Theology - Lent Guide
Seasonal Small Groups:
Trinity Seasonal Small Groups in the winter of 2025 will form around What it Takes to Heal by Prentis Hemphill. If you need assistance in acquiring a copy, please contact your group’s host. Becoming the People podcast with Prentis Hemphill (may be used as supplemental material). Please contact the group host for more details and to generally RSVP. You are welcome to join the group that fits your schedule/needs. You are not bound by geographical location/parish.
Mondays 12-1pm - Fishers/Zoom starting February 10
Tuesdays 5:15-6:30pm - Near Eastside/Kid Friendly starting February 11
Wednesdays 7:00pm - Midtown/Downtown starting February 5
Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm - Queer Affinity starting February 20
Fridays 6:30-8pm - Broad Ripple starting February 7
Sunday 8-9:30am - COhatch (with baked goods) starting March 2
(photo credit: Mael Balland and Nofi Sofyan)