April 19th E-Bulletin

April 19, 2020


*This song list can be found on Indy Trinity Worship Playlist on Spotify (click any song to get there)


Joyful, Joyful

He’s Always Been Faithful

Psalm 126


Read Psalm 16.This is the word of the Lord.

ALL: Thanks be to God.


Leader: God longs to take delight in us, but too often we disappoint with our hurtful words, the rejection of those around us, the love we hoard only for ourselves. Let us come to the One whose love is constant and true, as we pray together, saying,

ALL: Holy God, called to walk with the vulnerable, we run to catch up with the powerful. Asked to pray constantly for others, we are too busy bragging about ourselves. Challenged to notice and to care for those tossed aside by the world, we rush by with our to-do list in our hands. Have mercy on us, God who loves us completely. May we be the grace that a lonely person needs this week; may we be the hope the forgotten are looking for; may we be the peace that the broken long for in every moment, even as Jesus, our Lord and Savior, has been our peace, our hope, our grace, and so much more in our lives.  

Silence is kept

Leader: Today, in this moment, the word is very near to us. The word of forgiveness, the word of hope, the word of our God for all of us.

ALL: God's heart is open to us, pouring mercy, wonder, and peace into our lives. Thanks be to God, we are forgiven!  Amen.


1 Peter 1:3-9


Leader: As we have the love of God made known at the Table, we proclaim that mystery we call faith:

ALL: Walking to his death, Christ entrusted his life to you; raised from the grave, Christ glorified in your love for him; standing in our midst at the end, Christ will gather us at your Table.

Leader: See what love God has for us as we are gathered around this Table of grace, and the Spirit of joy is poured out upon us in the gifts of the bread and the cup.

ALL: As brothers and sisters we take the broken bread and share it, that we would reach out to those who are forgotten. As we share the cup of community, we would stand beside the lonely and the longing, to pour God's gladness into their hearts.

Leader: Eat and drink – the Spirit of joy is poured out upon us in these gifts - the body of Christ broken for you and the cup of the new covenant shed for you.        

RESPONSE & OFFERING OF WORSHIP                                                                                                                                       

The Offering Basket


Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost



Leader: God’s Breath of hope has torn open the shutters of our hearts,

ALL: So that we may love God with all our hearts and open them to all who long for grace and life.

Leader: Justice is the strong wind poured into us by the One who is Brother to the forgotten.

ALL: We will go into the streets of our neighborhoods to serve our sisters and brothers.

Leader: A new community is being shaped by the Holy Spirit, made up of those from every place, every tongue.

ALL: We will join hearts with those we meet, we will learn songs of joy in new languages.



Communitas: The Spirit of Community - Communal Joy

1 Peter 1:3-9

*For discussion prompts and prayer guide, visit the series page here.